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Even the Dalai Lama grows impatient as Trump brags that he's better at peace and meditating...
Donald Trump Acausting Einstein with Braggadociousness
Feynman diagram for a Higgs boson using only spaghetti and impossible meatballs
2025 Ambient Chill / Apple / AI
Happy Birthday, Starman David Bowie!
Attention: Legal Documentation and Mobility, Nomadic Travel Laws. Freedom of movement may soon face tighter restrictions...
Attention: Announcement regarding the state of AI, genomics, the mass migration toward Society 5.0
The terminology for initiatives like the former "Co-Build" and "Global Pivot" has evolved over time...
A3's Automate 2024: Major Breakthroughs in Automation Technology
ITU Journal shares new research on machine learning for networks
Barbie is proud to reveal the 2025 Lunar New Year doll ahead of the January holiday
7-Month Engagement to Art Expert Called Off After Bryant McGill Discovers Her Secret
“Stars” with @BebeRexha and @ozuna
Nature Speaks: You are a Kybernetik Signal and have been since birth...
Willow: Google's Quantum Chip 'Willow' (We are so in this loop) Julia McCoy Rocks
Request for Information: Quantum Entanglement-Enhanced Novel Sensing (QUEENS)
They will love you, misunderstand you, judge you, blame you, scorn you, and then forgive you
Back when I was giving EVERYTHING away for free to a bunch of UnROYAL assholes
Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony 2024
Advanced Research Concept (ARC) - Investigating how Neurological Systems Process Information in Reality, or INSPIRE
Human-AI Communications for Deontic Reasoning Devops (CODORD) Disruption
We all know the true beauty of people everywhere by Bryant McGill
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